Senin, 09 April 2018

Real Steel Boxing Champions Guide

Real Steel Champions is more of a fighting game than I initially thought it would be.A block, a light attack, a heavy attack, and a context sensitive special attack, help you to smack about (and decapitate) your robotic opponents. Combining an attack with a direction does change the type and animation of the attack you do, but it doesn't seem to have much of an impact on how much damage is done. That's mostly predicated on whether your opponent is defending themselves. You can't really dodge though, from what I've seen.Swapping parts for aesthetic or functional purposes, and then ensuring they're all coloured up the way you want them makes it feel as if your robot is your own. You can even add your own recorded audio taunt to the ring entrance, which is a small addition that adds a lot of ownership. Build your Robot Fighting machine in this ultimate action and sports adventure. Unleash furious attacks in one-one combat using special moves, jabs, punches with legendary parts of your favorite heroes Atom, Zeus, Midas, NoisyBoy and new superstar Atom Prime. Only some robots are confirmed, in the trailer you can see many robot parts. This is a list of every robot that has a robot part in the trailer or is a robot seen in the trailer. A teaser has been released for the game showing the robot creation section. The game has been released and this is the list of bots. Some bots did not appear but instead provided moveset.

Build your Robot Fighting machine in this ultimate action and sports adventure. Unleash furious attacks in one-one combat using special moves, jabs, punches with legendary parts of your favorite heroes Atom, Zeus, Midas, NoisyBoy and new superstar Atom Prime. Battle in the boxing realms with 1000s of unique robots and dominate 10 inspiring arenas in this epic sequel. Defeat the Legends of the New Real Steel Era & an All New Mysterious Super Boss to Reign Supreme as The Undisputable Champion! Unleash your unique identity from 1500+ colossal robot parts of 32 Exclusive Robots. Choose from iconic Heads, massive Torsos and powerful Hands & Legs. Customize your Robots with exciting Paint, Intro that mimics your style and announce your unique Name to be acclaimed as the King Maker of Real Steel Champions! Select devastating Heavy & Special Attacks, Ultimate Upgrades, Critical Hits and Finishers for your winning strategy. Let’s get the obvious part out of the way: boxing robots is just a flat out awesome idea, and one that appeals to the five-year-old boy or girl in all of us. This game doesn’t disappoint in its efforts to bring those clashes to life, sporting better graphics than the first Real Steel mobile game and some creative robot designs. The themes are great – there’s a football-inspired fighter, one with a blackjack motif, a cowboy bot with arms shaped like six-shooters, and more. Pitting them against each other is fairly straightforward, with a virtual d-pad on the left and buttons on the right. Boxing is a strictly 2D affair here, which limits you to punching and blocking, but there’s still some strategy required as you look to counter when your opponent’s guard is down. The game doesn’t explain this fully, but pressing the pad while hitting the light or heavy attack buttons throws a slightly different kind of punch for each direction, so there are more options than it may initially appear.

Should you prove victorious, you earn money that can be spent to upgrade your robot’s armor, power, and special ratings. There are five levels of upgrades possible for each of the five components, though a wait time is put into effect for the top two levels. Real Gold, the game’s premium currency, is the workaround, and you can earn it by leveling up as well as buying it via in-app purchases.All of these tactics combine to ruin the experience a bit, which is a shame since it has definite potential. The various championship leagues each have their own set of contenders leading up to a title fight of sorts, and you can purchase and upgrade new tiers of robots as you progress. Multiple skins grant bonus cash for wins, as well as just making your bots look better, and daily challenges have increasing rewards when you log in on consecutive days. True Steel Champions doesn’t have anything resembling a story, and instead simulates a boxing tournament, in which the player has to defeat a bunch of increasingly powerful opponents. The only difference it has to the other boxing sims, is that you can change the parts of your robot in-between the fights. Which would be fun, if the parts would contain at least some form of individuality. Instead, you just hoard up money from the fights and purchase whatever part has higher numbers next to it. There’s also an option of purchasing a ton of unique moves and combos รข€“ but even all of them put together could hardly fill a couple of Tekken characters. And Tekken is exactly what this game tries to be. The low-poly, glossy look of the fighters Real Steel Champions 4basically makes the game look like Tekken 2, with Mokujin as the only available fighter. The free-to-play stuff messes up the game even more, introducing such fun concepts as energy bar and unobtainable currency. Swapping parts for aesthetic or functional purposes, and then ensuring they're all coloured up the way you want them makes it feel as if your robot is your own. You can even add your own recorded audio taunt to the ring entrance, which is a small addition that adds a lot of ownership.

Let’s get the obvious part out of the way: boxing robots is just a flat out awesome idea, and one that appeals to the five-year-old boy or girl in all of us. This game doesn’t disappoint in its efforts to bring those clashes to life, sporting better graphics than the first Real Steel mobile game and some creative robot designs. The themes are great – there’s a football-inspired fighter, one with a blackjack motif, a cowboy bot with arms shaped like six-shooters, and more. A meter charges as you land and block punches, and each robot has its own well-animated special attack sequence available once it’s full. Finishing moves? Yep, those are in here too, provided you tap the right spots that pop up once your foe’s energy is down to zero. Should you prove victorious, you earn money that can be spent to upgrade your robot’s armor, power, and special ratings. There are five levels of upgrades possible for each of the five components, though a wait time is put into effect for the top two levels. Real Gold, the game’s premium currency, is the workaround, and you can earn it by leveling up as well as buying it via in-app purchases.The various championship leagues each have their own set of contenders leading up to a title fight of sorts, and you can purchase and upgrade new tiers of robots as you progress. Multiple skins grant bonus cash for wins, as well as just making your bots look better, and daily challenges have increasing rewards when you log in on consecutive days.

"Tap Career mode to continue" and select continue in the Mission of the career and while choosing a career mission we will direct "Free Sparring" after that select Mission again " Rookie "if it clicks in the mission" the Rookie "we will immediately start the games his Sparring against" bot "or we can say it is the opposite of our tutorial. And before the start of "fight" we can see the power we are stronger than we are or not in his view of the star from us our balance with us just click on the "Fight" and now we've started to fight against our enemies, here there are bottom right forward, up, back and down, and the bottom left there is a blow, blow from the bottom up and survived.  After completing a mission on the career we will be at the point again with the directives "tap on" I "to enable helpful information" and the "I" exists in the bottom of the screen to the right of the screen we simply click on the menu "I" after pressing the "I" above us on the point again with him: "it's time for your first championship fight" and we simply select the "play" menu and login again to the Mission of the career tap continue. And before the fight again at the menu "Free sparring" there is mission"fight 1" and instantly we select in "fight 1" to settle her and it turns out I get an opponent named "Voodoo" that where his stars lower than me, my star "126" and Star opponent only "90" and his opponent does not mean difficult and simply click the "fight". You guys straight forward at the enemy survived ran again hit from deoan atfrom the bottom to the top and end his bom we won her and at the end of the match we will be in a static game show and I get a "58% successful hits "," 25%blocked hits "and reward for us, namely" Fight bonus ". And after the completion of the mission "fight1" directly resolve his first mission and we select the "play" menu and login again to the Mission of the career tap continue. And before the fight again at the menu "Free sparring" there is mission "fight 2" and instantly we select in "fight 2" to finish him and it turns out I get an opponent named "freezer" where his stars lower than me again, my star "126" and the opponents are only "100" and his opponent does not mean difficult and simply click the "fight".